Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Loons, G's, and Moccasins.

Well, I have decided that in order to save my sanity (and because I have already read every tfln, facebook status update, and cosmo article) I would start a blog to pass the time.

Ok, here's the deal. I don't really get the concept of blogging, so I think I'll just talk about myself for a hot second. Recently, I have improved my skills in napping sitting up. It was kind of on accident that I discovered this skill, but it comes in handy sometimes.

Today I had a weird drive to work. Everyone driving in my lane was going slow, like it was have your grandmother drive you to work day. This obnoxious maroon escort with a loon on the license plate pulled out right in front of me and almost made me curse aloud. The loon car decided it would be a fun thing to drive in the fast lane, the thing was though- it was going caterpillar speed. While trying to squeeze between this car and a ruh-tard semi, I spilled some water on my pants and had to go to work risking being called patty pee-pee pants. When I got to the light right before my work, it was red. There was a car in front of me that had a straight up G in it. I know what you're picturing, but this wasn't your typical G. This was a glasses wearing, mustache combing, vest rocking G with magical powers. I was staring in his back window, eyeing his every move, when all the sudden he puts his hand in the air. He snaps three times, and all of the sudden the light turns green. Thank you mysterious stop-light snapper man.

I will leave you with that, and this little tip that might make your life easier:
If you wear moccasins to the house of representatives council meeting, you may feel under-dressed.

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